Hold the right side of the screen to take take control of the player hand, rotate to aim and release to shoot.

Tap the screen to shoot at the direction the hand is aiming.

Tap the left side of the screen(Or R key on PC) to reload.

A little prototype of a small game that is in making. The main purpose of this prototype is to get any feedback, main question being - does it feel right to shoot?

I added a slider to the right of the screen, you can change the sensitivity of the player hand rotation, you can change it in real time while the game is playing, next to it at the bottom there are number that represent the value of the sensitivity.

If you have some time to spare, check it out and if you think you find a value for the rotation that feels really good, your comment would be would be as valuable as a block of pure gold. 

Also let me know if you are testing it on a PC or a phone, initially the game is for the phone. If you can test it on both, you would be the best.


Rob and Go Shooting test.apk 44 MB


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Great game! Why are we big foot?